CARE Return Demo

Booking your Return Demo is a step forward in your path to certification as both a CRTS and a CCI. 

Make sure you have completed the following steps before coming to your Return Demo

1) Attend C.A.R.E ~ 25 hours includes classes on:
  • 4 hours - Vitaflex
  • 8 hours - Raindrop Technique 
  • 2 hours - History of Anointing 
  • 6 hours - Chemistry
  • 5 hours - Emotional Release
2) Practice Vitaflex to 10 people (with signatures on CCI Handbook)

3) Practice Raindrop to 15 people (with signatures on CCI Handbook)

4) Teach Vitaflex to 6 people (with signatures on CCI Handbook)

5) Teach Raindrop to 6 people (with signatures on CCI Handbook)


What To Expect In Your Return Demo

This is an open book exam with two components, oral and practical. Please let me know when you book so that I may help you understand what will be expected of you.

The exam is $400 USD ($590 CAD)

Location - Metro Manila, Philippines