Steps to Certification

I love to support my students towards certification. I believe in serving my community as professionally qualified specialists.

Steps towards Certified CARE Instructor (CCI):

Upon passing Return Demo (as stated in CRTS certification document), you have TWO years from your first Vitalfex class to complete the following. If you need more time, repeat a CARE Intensive for half price to get another two years extended.

1) Assist in a CARE Intensive 25 hours as a Class Assistant (CA)
Cost: $150 USD
CA pays your own way to attend classes.
A skill check prior to class is required and compulsory in order to move forward.
Expectation and requirements will be discussed upon committing to assist a class.
Once passed, you will be a CCA (Certified CARE Assistant)

2) Complete Final Exam
(please download from, on the bottom right corner).
You MUST pass final exam with minimum of 97% by the two year mark (from the first day you attended Vitaflex). 
Once passed, you will be a Class Internship (CI), in preparation for your internship class

3) Practice class for History of Laying of Hands and Anointing with a min. of 3 students

4) Non-credit practice class for Basic Class of Applied Vitaflex and Raindrop Technique with a min. of 3 students.

5) Prepare for your Internship class.
By now, you should have engaged in a mentor to help you with each step. Your mentor has to be a SCCI and above with CARE and he/she will walk you through the processes.

For more details on certification, please refer to CARE's website:

Please feel free to contact me at:

CCI Commitment:
Once a CCI, you will be welcomed to the CARE Faculty.
You are required to teach at least TWO (2) CARE Basic (Vitaflex and Raindrop) classes each year with a minimum of 3 students each class.
Required to attend CARE Summit each year for 5 consecutive years. First Summit, you need to arrive a day earlier to attend Advance Bible Oils class.