CRTS - Certified Raindrop Technique Specialist
Complete 25 hours CARE Intensive, plus 49 hours practices as well as complete a Return Demonstration and Oral Exam to qualify as a Certified Raindrop Technique Specialist (CRTS) through CARE and legally facilitate Raindrop and Vitaflex in all states of the United States and 14 provinces in Canada.
1) Attend C.A.R.E ~ 25 hours includes classes on:
4 hours - Vitaflex
8 hours - Raindrop Technique
2 hours - History of Anointing
6 hours - Chemistry
5 hours - Emotional Release
2) Practice Vitaflex to 10 people (with signatures on CCI Handbook)
3) Practice Raindrop to 15 people (with signatures on CCI Handbook)
4) Teach Vitaflex to 6 people (with signatures on CCI Handbook)
5) Teach Raindrop to 6 people (with signatures on CCI Handbook)
6) Complete and Pass a Return Demonstration and Oral Exam (4 hours)
You are only tested on Vitaflex and Raindrop Technique.
Contact me to book your examination appointment BEFORE you begin preparation. I want to help you prepare.
7) Complete the following online courses before applying for CRTS:
FIRST | Complete the Academy 4 Coaching correspondence course (40 CE Credits):
- Professional Practices (10 CEU)
- Professional Ethics (10 CEU)
- Informed Consent Form courses (20 CEU)
2) Terry Robinette, Executive Director
Academy 4 Coaching
Tel: 800-838-1931, ext 4
All communications are done online.
Once registered, you have 90 days to complete your course.
Cost $195USD
SECOND | Complete the Basic Coaching Skills Workshop (45 CE Credits)
The Basic Coaching Skills Workshop is a practicum-based intensive workshop designed to help you learn basic coaching skills. Prerequisite is required: Practices, Ethics & Informed Consent Form Courses (listed a A above)
1) Spiritual Basic Coaching Skills.
2) Jackie Olsen
Cost: $225 USD
THIRD | Complete an Anatomy & Physiology Course (30 CE Credits)
or submit proof of completion of a prior course.
Basic Anatomy & Physiology
Cost: $ 99 USD
8) Apply for your CRTS (or BCRS if you qualify)
Natural Therapies Certification Boards website has been changed. Until further notice use this link to connect with them about Certifications.
You may download the form on the website or request a renewal form. Either email, fax or mail it in. Online payments via transfer from may be sent to You may ask for an invoice. There is a 45 day grace period on certifications currently due. Cost: $ 65 USD
9) Apply for LSH (for Americans & Canadians only)
Certification through the Federation of Spiritual Healers Licensing Board
Cost: $ 65 USD
10) Aromatherapy Coach Intensive (75 CEUs)
Once you become certified as a CRTS/LSH, CCI, BCRS, you have 3 years to complete the Aromatherapy Coach Intensive
Cost: $495 USD
NOTE: You must be a CCI to apply as BCRS. All requirements are to be met only once. Renewal requirements following 2, 3 and 7. (CEUs good for 3 years) for both CRTS/LSH & BCRS are 20 CEUs annually, which can be met by either attending a Young Living Convention, a CARE Summit or taking webinars/classes of at least 5 CEUs in your field; the other 15 can be in a natural therapy of interest.
CRTS - Certified Raindrop Technique Specialist
BCRS - Board Certified Raindrop Specialist
LSH - Licensed Spiritual Healer
CAC - Certified Aromatherapy Coach