A Certified Raindrop Harmonics Specialist (CRHS) is trained and certified to provide Raindrop Technique Sessions that incorporate tuning forks, gemstone therapy and/or color light therapy into the session. They may also incorporate Vibrational VitaFlex, Vibrational Auricular Technique, and NeuroeEndocrine Harmonics into each session.
Raindrop Harmonics ® Classes and Training in Vibrational Raindrop Technique (VRT) teach a deeper understanding of harmonics as it relates to the human body. You will learn about Vibrational Raindrop Technique with tuning forks, as well as colour lights therapy on several of the more important reflex systems of the body (auricular; hands; feet). There is a section on the power points of the body using forks, stones, sacred geometry, colour, lights and more.
Each Raindrop Harmonics Phase is a twelve-hour training and, together with three hours of non-classroom practicums, qualifies for 15 CE hours with the Natural Therapies Certification Board (NTCB) and with the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodyworker (NCBTMB).
These trainings provide practical applied aromatherapy skills for the wellness professionals who choose to integrate essential oils, colour light therapy and gemstone therapy into their practices, as well as for the non-professionals who are empowering themselves to increase the health and well being of themselves, family, and friends. Participating in a Raindrop Harmonic class can lead to a Certified Raindrop Harmonics Specialist status.
Below are the 5 courses required for your CRHS certification (Certified Raindrop Harmonics Specialist):