I struggled in this department from a very young age. Growing up, I was the one that can't go to the public bathroom when we were out on a family trip, I was the one who had to go NOW if I have to go (everything has to stop, and miss Jasmine has to go) .... when I was a teenager, I traveled a lot and whenever the toilet is too high, too low, too wet, too hot, a bit dirty, too clean, someone is waiting outside, lighting is too bright... I just CAN'T go.... so forget it, I will stick them back in for days, weeks and have gone as long as a month! YUKE!
So, when I say I struggled in this department ... I MEANT IT.
I tried everything, trust me.... I did.... but some are not appropriate to put online, so I will spare you the details... about 5 years ago, I stumbled upon Young Living's supplements and a book I truly treasured... by Dr. Leanne Deardeuff entitled "Inner Transformation Using Essential Oils". Everything Dr. Deardueff said makes sense to me, and when it make sense to me... I will do it... so, here goes my another round of TRIAL in this lovely department...
It was not uneventfulful in the beginning I have to say... "Alamak" why, why why... I felt weird, I was super hungry and then tired, I can't go one, but I have to" ... but hey, the book made sense to me, and I trust Young Living... so let's continued... it took a few months and tries...
Not until the end of my cleanse, I finally experienced how "not full of s---t" feels!
With pride, and joy, and lots of experiences, may I present to you...
the Gentle Colon Cleanse Protocol.
What do you need?
Young Living's Cleansing Trio consist of
1. Comfortone (or Comfortcleanse),
2. ICP and
3. Essentialzyme (or Detoxyzme).
Let's talk a look what they do:
Comfortone (or Comfortcleanse): an effective combination of fiber, herbs, and essential oils like Peppermint and Ginger. ComforCleanse supports the colon’s ability to function normally and is an ideal supplement for the short-term relief of occasional constipation.
- Cascara Sagrada is traditionally used in herbal medicine as a stimulant laxative.
- It can be used in herbal medicine for the short-term relief of occasional constipation.
- It can be used in herbal medicine to promote bowel movement (by direct action of the large intestine).
- ComforCleanse provides antioxidants.
- It also is a source of antioxidants that help fight/protect cell against/reduce (the oxidative effect of/the oxidative damage caused by/cell damage caused by) free radicals.
ICP (affectionately nicknamed I See Poop) helps gently cleanse your digestive systemwith an advanced mix of herbal ingredients ICP provides ingredients such as psyllium, oat bran, and flax and fennel seeds, and is enhanced with a special blend of essential oils.
- Used in herbal medicine to promote bowel movements by increasing bulk volume and water content
- Provides antioxidants for the maintenance of good health
- Used in herbal medicine to provide gentle relief of constipation and/or irregularity
- Provides antioxidants that help fight and protect cells against and reduce the effects of oxidative damage caused by free radicals
- Good source of essential fatty acids, omega-3 fatty acids and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) to help maintain good health
- Great for use as a digestive aid or enzyme to help digest proteins
Essentialzyme: a multienzyme caplet specially formulated to combat the modern diet by supporting and balancing digestive health. It’s powered by a unique blend of enzymes such as pancrelipase and pancreatin that are known to assist the body in breaking down and digesting food, as well as Tarragon, Peppermint, Anise, Fennel, and Clove premium essential oils to improve overall enzyme activity and support healthy pancreatic function.
Stimulates overall enzyme activity
Supports and balances digestive health
Supports healthy pancreatic function
Assits the body in breaking down and digesting food
Over the last 5 years, I have routinely done 2 cleanses each year, and as I experience and learn the ins and out of it, I am happy to blog some of my experiences and I hope this will be a help for you as well.
First of, I really like this protocol because the taste isn't all bad (that is important if I have to eat them LOL), and it doesn't make me sick while I am on it. I can still go about my everyday routine and am able to continue my life at ease. In the past, I have tried other plans, but I find that they are not too well balanced with the ingredients needed to support the liver and kidney.... thus makes me feel nauseous, achy, gassy and headaches.
I love that the toxins can leave my body easily and not pulled back into my circulation.
I have to say, they have been gentle and have greatly helped me in this area. I can say that I no longer "struggle" in the department of elimination... not sure poop, but the ideas, life changes, information that I cannot process or "digest" in my life.
Let me walk you through how to do the protocol for your physical wellness, and we can touch on the emotional and energetic areas later.
The Protocol:
Day 1:
Start with 1 Comfortone (or Comfortcleanse) in the morning, and 1 in the evening.
Day 2:
Take 2 Comfortone (or Comfortcleanse) in the morning, and 2 in the evening.
NOTE: Everyone is different. If you start getting watery elimination, you want to pull back and skip taking. The ultimate "goal" is to have 3-5 inches banana like poop, not hard ad not watery. Now, you have it... .GRAPHIC LOL!
Day 3:
Take 3 Comfortone (or Comfortcleanse) in the morning, and 3 in the evening.
Day 4:
Take 4 Comfortone (or Comfortcleanse) in the morning, and 4 in the evening.
Day 5
Take 5 Comfortone (or Comfortcleanse) in the morning, and 5 in the evening.
You can go up to 5 in the morning and 5 in the evening. Not any more than that.
Watch your bowel... look for "banana". If its watery, pull back. If its hard, increase water intake.
The supplement is designed to restore peristalsis to the colon which means your intestines may get a little gurgles, some people reports that they feel a little sore. It is ok, give it a bit of time to "start the engine".
During your first week, if you are not having bowel movements, you can add 1 drop of Young Living's Peppermint Plus oil to a glass of water. Another great tip is to do a colon vitaflex technique to help with colon movements. Connect with me about this technique.
A few other supplements and food that have helped me were:
1. Drinking good filtered water (I use a Berkey at my home). How much water do you need to drink? Take your body weight in pounds, divide by 2, and drink the amount in oz. Let's say if you are 150 pounds, you want to drink 75oz of water daily. Note: Tea, pop, wine do not count =)
2. Fatty meats and fish help with the eliminating department. I take Omegagize daily.
Here are some info on OmegaGize:
OmegaGize³ combines the power of three core daily supplements-omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin D-3, and CoQ10 (ubiquinone). These supplements combine with our proprietary enhancement essential oil blend to create an omega-3, DHA-rich fish oil supplement that helps maintain and support the cardiovascular system, cognitive health, proper brain function, maintain bone and dental health, and promotes healthy mood balance.
Used daily, these ingredients work synergistically to support brain, heart, skeletal, dental, and overall good health.
The benefits of OmegaGize³:
- The CoQ10 in OmegaGize³ helps maintain and/or support cardiovascular health
- Excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids for the maintenance of good health
- Helps support cognitive health and/or brain function
- Helps to prevent vitamin D deficiency
- Vitamin D is a factor in the maintenance of good health
- Vitamin D helps in the development and maintenance of bones
- Vitamin D helps in development and maintenance of bones and teeth
- Vitamin D helps in the absorption and use of calcium
- Calcium intake, when combined with sufficient vitamin D, a healthy diet, and regular exercise, may reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis
3. Good Grass-fed intake of Butter. They play an important role in the gut flora.
Once you have achieve 2-3 bowel movements a day (that's because we eat 2-3 meals a day!), we can begin taking 1 tsp of ICP in the mornings in addition to the Comfortone (or Comfortcleanse).
Let's me talk a little bit about why 2-3 bowel movements.
Have you walked in the farm, and the cow, or chicken just poop right in front of you? They eat, and they poop... then they eat, and they poop....
However, us.... human... we teach our young to hold our bowels, because we need to find the rest-stop, or because the bell is about to ring... or you are in an important business call, so you have to "hold it in".
So, friends... 2-3 meals a day? 2-3 bowel movements.
ICP is a proprietary blend of fibres and herbs created to provide bulk and nutrition. The best way to take it is stir 1 tsp into juice, water or Ningxia Red and drink it quickly. Do not leave it at the counter as it will get thickens and it would be really yucky!
How do you use ICP in conjunction with Comfortone (or Comfortcleanse)?
Add 1/2 tsp of ICP a day until you are achieving large bulky stools and are not constipated.
The goal is to achieve a good solid bowel movement without feeling constipated. So, work it up to 1 tsp in the morning, and 1 tsp in the evening, but you only need to take as much is needed to achieve your goal for solids!
The Partnership of Comfortone (or Comfortclenase) and ICP:
While Comfortone (or Comfortclenase) is activating your bowels, ICP works like a "toilet bowl brush" to flush out gunk in your colon. Please be sure to drink your water, faithfully.
I have made it a habit to incorporate Essentialzyme in my daily routine, mainly for its support to. healthy pancreatic function. During your cleanse, you can start taking Essentialzyme in the beginning or when you are beginning to eliminating. Take one capsule between meals. So it is between breakfast and lunch; between lunch and dinner; between dinner to your yummy grilled cheese bed time snack (just kidding, I know you don't eat that before bed ;)
So, when do you stop?
Continue with Comfortone (or Comfortclenase), ICP and Essentialzme daily. You might want to pull back on Comfortone (or Comfortclenase), to the sweet spot of 2-3 bananas a day, solid.
Continue the trio until you have completely cleansed your colon. At one point, you might smell tar (and might see dark elimination)... those are the lining that has been imbedded for years, get them out! Continue until you pass the lining and still have 2-3 good, easy, solid "bananas" a day.
This might take MONTHS! You might not even finish it the first few rounds... but start somewhere, keep it going if you can! It is so worth-it.
Try to eat clean, stay healthy, reduce stress, improve your sleep.... hey, connect with me if you want more details in that department.
I really enjoy my journey and if you want to purchase some of these products, you will need a sponsor to help you. May I be your sponsor? My Brand Partner ID is 1486272.