During the Bubonic Plague (The Black Death) over five years, the Black Death killed more than 20 million people in Europe—almost one-third of the continent’s population.
The story of Thieves was about a group of "thieves" robbing the dead or the sick.
When they were caught, they offered to exchange their secret recipe, which had allowed them to commit the robberies without catching the disease, in exchange for leniency.
I tried making this blend on my own, but...... well... I would really prefer something that is made for me, blended and ready to go! So I love my Young Living Thieves Blend... they smell great, work amazing and so affordable.
We started off by applying a drop of Thieves on the bottom of feet before bed, and it was amazing. And then, we slowly converted all our household products to the Thieves line. The outcome was most enjoyable, clean and amazing.
I soon realize that Thieves are tested and they do kill germs and viruses! I absolutely love them. Here are some of the Thieves products that we use in our home, and why.
This bottle here can be diluted to 29 bottles! I use Thieves Household Cleaner to clean my counter top, dining table, floors, toilets and even my cars!
Another amazing product that I use to sanitize my hands! It is aloe based so it won't leave your hands feeling dry, and it is derived from peppermint leaves so it works so amazing and non-toxic!
We wash our laundry with Thieves laundry soap... clean, smells good and does not release toxic fume in our home!
If you have not tried the Thieves Whitening Toothpaste, you owe it to yourself to give it a try! Then, send me a thank you note =)
Cleaning our dishes with good smelling yet non-toxic soap is something I take seriously, after all... we eat from the dishes and breathing in the air that is in our home! Thieves Dish Soap is my choice for that reason!
Little hands are everywhere, I make sure my children wash their hands with Thieves hand soap...many products in the market are proven to kill 99.9% of germs and viruses. But not all of them are non-toxic, leaves our hand feeling rejuvenate and clean... and once again, Thieves for the win!
As much as we want to buy all organic and eat locally grown food. Sometimes, it may not be possible. So, I make sure I wash my fruit and veggies with the Thieves Soak. Infused with essential oils like Digize, it will remove residues of toxic chemicals that was sprayed on and in the soil! I am truly grateful for this amazing option to help my little family grow.
Do you like to look into these products? There is a Healthy Home Starter Bundle that has most of these products. Would you click on "Place an order" then choose the Healthy Home Bundle to start this beautiful journey. I will be in touch with you and support you along the way!